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Thursday, April 9, 2009

Human Guardian Class Build (Stunner/PvE/PvP)

The walking stunner! or Human Guardian lol. This class is fun to play and has alot of options. This is a powerful build for the human guardian which will leave mobs powerless and frustrate your enemies.

When playing in PvE give each mob a stun and it will make short work of them and you won’t receive only light scratches. Some of your early stun spells include Psychic Crash and Charge. A later spell, Rush can paralyze your enemies for 6 seconds. This also great for boss hunting as you can feed them a steady dose of stuns. This is not as effective on larger bosses though. Soloing is pretty easy with this build but high mob leveling party grinding is great since you can tank and stun before the mobs can get to the damage dealers.

You have plenty of firepower to dish out some devilish damage. Guardians have alot of buffs that improve your already high strength and boosts your melee damage too. This build has high health so that you can tank multiple mobs. Stone Skin will leave you immune to all physical damage for 30 seconds at level 5 leaving mobs and pvpers at wits end. Order Swing can deal devasting blows as it accumulates a percent of your damage and applies it to the next attack for 30 seconds.

In pvp most people won’t want to mess with you. You have access to a DoT called Bleeding and you have the ability to send a constant barage of stuns leaving them helpless. With great offensive power and health you can make short work in PvP. And you had better kill them fast lol. The thing you have to worry about is your mana pool, its so low and you don’t have any real way to replenish it skills wise besides using pots. The only real skill is passive and uses a certain amount of mana per second to use called Divine. 8% chance to absorb 10% of damage dealt to your mana pool. A great skill to use on melee based pvp is Crazy Standing, insane attack speed and powerful boost in damage dealt! You will only be able to do basic critical damage since the stats in this build do not have any DEX which is required for the critical damage boost.

Overall this build and this subclass is fun to play with the high/second stuns you can do. Just remember to go easy on your mana supply and don’t deplete it so quickly before your mana pot cools down. If you get down pretty low you can use the Drain Blue spell which at level 5 applies 300% of your damage to your enemies mana!

Stat Point Build at Level 99

The recommended spell upgrades:
(Human Knight Tree)

1. Level 5: Increases Light Attribute Attack by 100% and Light Attribute Defense by 50%. 8% chance of absorbing 10% of the damage dealt as MP.
Level 1: Forces the target monster to attack the player. Can only be used while in a Party.
Level 5: Increases the Target’s Strength by 15% for 30 minutes.
Level 5: Increases the Physical Defense of the Target’s Armor by 15% for 30 minutes.
Level 1: Deals 60% additional damage to the target.
Level 5: Increases the Damage of 1-Handed weapons(except Daggers) by 15% for 30 minutes.
Level 5: The Shield’s Block Rate is increased by 6% for 30 minutes.
Level 5: For 30 minutes, Psychic Crash has a 25% chance of stunning the enemy for 3 seconds.
Level 5: Hits the target with your Shield to deal 100% additional damage, and stuns them for 6 seconds.
Level 5: Hits the target with your Shield to deal 200% additional damage, and pushes them back 6 meters.
Level 5: Deals 80% of the player’s Physical Attack to the target as damage over time every 3 seconds 9 times.
Level 5: Increases offensive ability by 100%, 90% of that is dealt to the target and 80% is dealt to the surrounding enemies within 6 meters.

The recommended spell upgrades:
(Human Guardian Tree)

1. Level 1: 3% boost in Dagger, One handed sword damage 3% boost to Dagger and One handed sword damage. Lasts 18 mins.
Level 5: 15% boost in HP 15% boost to HP. Lasts 30 mins.
Level 1: Taunt Nearby monsters will attack you for 10 secs. Use only during Party play.
Level 5: Paralyze You will charge against an opponent that’s 20M from you and Paralyze him for 6 secs.
Level 1: 5% drop in melee attack 5% drop to your opponent’s Physical attack force, if they are within 15M. Lasts 30 secs.
Level 5: 25% boost in Strength25% boost to your target’s Strength. Lasts 30 mins.
Level 1: 120% of your Psyche is applied to the damage you deal.
Level 5: 122% boost in Attack speed, 25% boost in damage. Immobilized for 10 secs, 122% boost to Attack speed, 25% boost to damage dealt.
Level 5: 300% of your damage is applied to your opponent’s Mana.
Level 5: 6% Damage Accumulation 6% of your Damage is accumulated for every attack and is applied towards your next attack’s damage. Lasts 30 secs.
Level 1: 10% drop in Attack Speed Lowers opponent’s Attack speed by 10%. Lasts 30 secs.
Level 4: 4% boost in chance for Critical 4% boost to you and your party member’s chance for a Critical hit.
Level 1: Futile Stun / Root spells Makes Stun / Root spells futile for 20 secs.
14. Level 1: 70% boost to the damage you deal, disables your opponent’s defense.
Level 5: Futile Physical Damage Physical Damage received is futile for 30 secs.


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